Thursday, February 28, 2008

Lighting Tips

Natural light for your photos is always best. Natural light creates a natural look and that's what you want in your pictures. Between 8-10 in the morning and an hour before sunset evening is the best time for natural light pictures. That is not always true. I have gotten some really nice pictures in the afternoon that were just as nice. But usually that is the case. You don't want the harsh shadows that the noonday sun can create. If the sun is too bright, move to the shade. Also cloudy days are great (as long as it isn't raining!!). For indoor pictures, you will want to find a large window or door to take your pictures in. Same rules apply inside as outside - you don't want the direct sun, you want indirect sunlight. So don't choose the window that is facing the sun to take your pictures. Choose a different window or wait until a different time of day. Again these only guidelines. As long as you are not getting harsh shadows on your child, go for it!!

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